Recent Entries

  • 1st minor Op

    So yesterday me and hubby left the house about 5am and yet again got the train to Perth. We arrived at outpatients for 6.30 and I was whisked up to get ready for the biopsy op on my lymph nodes. The first wee nurse gave two gowns (1 to be open at the back and a dressing gown to put over. I goes in t...
  • The Smurf

    Well that was a bloody long day! Had my first appointment today @9am, met the lovely Glenys and dr Jackson. Soooo after a an early train ride on the transperth equivalent of a sardine tin, plus side, I got a seat, negative side I was sat at just the right height to have someone's crotch in my face, ...
  • Sleep

    Well here I am again awake at 4am. Yesterday was a really wobbly day, I hadn't cried the two days before but yesterday I just felt off and weepy. My friend back in Scotland had sent me some flowers, and that just tipped me over. It was such a nice gesture and unexpected, I've had flowers and cards f...